Labour Day is today in Canada and the US, N&Kers.
After Netflixing the Alcasser Murders (#ElCasoAlcasser) and monitoring the #hkprotest, I reflected on our freedoms.
As females in North America, Kells & I are:
- lucky to have a (safe) say in living our own lives.
- privileged to have post-secondary education.
- lucky to be able to work in our chosen fields. (These are fields that we actually enjoy working in!)
People who want a higher education or a better-paying job are not able to get what they want due to lack of resources or system biases.
People are hungry, exhausted, hopeless, depressed…
And imagine other countries where freedoms are less-than, especially for us ladies*.
Sure, there’s room for improvement. But let’s take a moment, this Labour Day, to acknowledge and celebrate how far we’ve come:
- how bad working conditions were;
- what freedoms our predecessors fought for;
- that workers efforts’ deserve respect and appreciation.
It took only one person’s courage to speak out and gather the masses to discuss how to make change.
What should our next steps be?
Equal pay?
Addressing Positive and Negative Discrimination?
Equality vs Equity
Happy Labour Day everyone!